Is this my blog ?
Why dont I blog regularly anymore ?
Why did I start a blog in the first place?
Whats been up with me, lately?
Is the project taking too much time?
Am I just getting bored and pretending to be ultra busy?
Is it a bit of both?
Whats the difference between interpolation and approximation?
Have I gone insane?
Did I just prove it by performing this excercise?
Is this gonna be the last question?
Whose line is it anyway?
Cheers ;-)
Harry ... for the person who started the SPCE blogging revolution, this is a sorry state of affairs ... I demand your immediate return to the world of blogging!! :-)
Anyways, good luck with your work lined up for the next few weeks, and hope to see some posts when you are on your break ...
All ze best ...
Harry...take it easy man..thats what the new american punch line is (replacing Cool and Yeah!)
Do you want an answer?
Do u want a comment?
Have u got too mouch time?
Where have u been lately?
Wots happened to Harrry?
Did i ask too many ???
Whose Line is it anyway?
is it mine?
is it yours?
is that fine?
do the points matter?
I say they don't...BUZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!
Whose line is it anyway?
Sound effects?
Worst pick-up lines?
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