Me and my company!!!
An unusual start to an otherwise normal day.
Reached IIT earlier than usual, the irony being it was raining heavier than any other day in the week.
As expected my lab was shut and since I didnt have the key permissions I had to wait outside in the hall. Now the CSRE building where I work is a 3 storey building, with a central hall like room whose roof is dome shaped and is 3 floors high.
I had an hour to kill and was wondering how I could pass my time, when suddenly I see a stone fall beside me. I look up and to my surprise see a family of monkeys desperately trying to find their way out.
So, here we were ,me waiting to go in and they waiting to go out. The next hour passed by with me observing them and they keeping a keen eye on me, either all prepared to attack me or just hoping that I'll be their messiah and let them out.
Kind of reminded me of the story I heard as a child...the one with the Hatseller and the monkeys. It was surreal.